Do you think that you have a best antivirus program? Are you sure?
In this post, i will invite you to test the ability of antivirus on your computer, we will test the antivirus program installed on your computer. We will do it with a quite unique method, how?
we will create a file containing the virus code, so that when it run, the antivirus program should be able to detect and remove it.
But don't worry, because we will create a virus that isn't a real virus that may interfere with or damage your computer even if your antivirus program can not detect it, but it's only a AV program tester virus.
Virus file code tester was developed by those who joined in EICAR, which stands for European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research, located at
Here are the steps to make the virus tester:
1. first step, run the Notepad program. The test virus was created simply using Notepad.
2. Copy the code below and paste into Notepad.
X5O! P% @ AP [4 \ PZX54 (P ^) 7cc) 7} $ EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE! $ H + H *
3. Save the file with the name .
in Notepad, click File> Save As. In the Save As dialog box, first select a folder to save the file, and then in the Save As Type, select All Files, and File Name, type
Then click the Save button.
4. Now open Windows Explorer (press the Windows key + E), open the folder that contains the file tester virus, and then double-click the file to run it. If you have the real-time scan feature on your antivirus, then it should be able to be detected, which is marked by the emergence of a message that is found / detected virus. Or if your AV do not have a real-time scanner features, then run your AV program and do a scan on the file containing folder.
Try it and proof the ability of your antivirus program.
Once again, we created the file that isn't an actual virus, but its only a AV tester . Although when your antivirus programs can not detect it, the file is still WILL NOT damage your computer. For more information, please access the site
Hope you have the best antivirus 2013
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